Branson Marriage Licenses
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1-800-785-1550 Web Code: 39ZHX8Y
If you are wanting to get married in Branson, you should be aware of the steps that are required in obtaining a marriage license
Obtaining A Branson Marriage License
There are two locations in the Branson area where you can obtain a marriage license.
Recorder's Office at the Taney County Courthouse
132 David Road
Forsyth, MO 65653
Phone: 417-546-7234
Recorder's Office at the Stone County Courthouse
108A E. 4th Street
Galena, MO 65656
Phone: 417-357-6362
How to apply
Both parties must appear in person at one of the Recorder's offices listed above.
When you can apply
Monday through Friday (except legal holidays) 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Picking up your marriage license
There is no longer a waiting period in Missouri. The marriage license is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance and may be used anywhere within the state of Missouri.
The license fee of $51 must be paid by cash or personal check at the time of application. There are no refunds.
After you pick up your marriage license
You are responsible for delivering the license to the person who solemnizes your marriage. Marriages may be solemnized by any clergyman, either active or retired, who is in good standing with any church or synagogue in the State of Missouri. Marriages may also be solemnized, without compensation by any judge including a municipal judge. The person performing the ceremony must complete the license, have two witnesses sign it, and return it to the Recorder's Office (in the envelope provided) within 15 days after the wedding. The license remains on file permanently in the Recorder's Office.
Required information includes: birth date, social security number, full legal name, level of education, race date last marriage(s) ended. Both parties must also sign an affidavit that all information is true and correct.
Marriage license qualifications
Blood relatives, down to and including first cousins, MAY NOT marry under the laws of the State of Missouri.
No distinction is made between resident and non-resident individuals.
Applicants must be 18 years of age to marry without parental consent. Persons between the ages of 15 and 17 may obtain a license with the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Parents or legal guardians must give consent in person (at the time of application) and have proper identification. If legal guardian is giving consent, a certified copy of guardianship papers must be presented. The custodial parent or legal guardian must also provide a bith certificate for the minor child.
Applicants must provide a current Driver's License, Passport or Visa.
Previously married applicants must give the date their last marriage ended. Persons divorced less than 30 days may apply for a marriage license if they acknowledge, in writing, they understand the divorce can be appealed or set aside within 30 days by the court of jurisdiction.