Category Archives: Branson Attractions

That special Valentine’s Day celebration in Branson

Pierce Arrow will be celebrating Valentines Day with performances.

The British poet and humorist, Thomas Hood, said, “Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine!” It seems that on Valentine’s Day extra effort is made to show those we love how much we care, but how much more special each day would be if we followed Hood’s, words and treated those we love in a manner that said, “Thou art every day my Valentine?”

With Valentine’s Day coming up on Tuesday, February 14th, what better way to show your Valentine how much you care than by celebrating Valentine’s Day in Branson, Missouri, “the live music show capital of the world?” Whether that celebration takes place the weekend before or on Valentine’s Day itself, Branson, with its many restaurants, shopping, shows and other activities offers a variety of ways to share a special Valentine’s Day with that special someone.

From the simple café fare of a downtown staple like Clocker’s Café to an elegant romantic gourmet meal at the Chateau on the Lake, Candle Stick, Table 22 or the Level 2 Steak House and everything in between, Branson offers a variety of Valentine dining experiences for every budget and taste. Many will be offering special menus just for Valentine’s Day and it is suggested making reservations as early as possible.

Branson Landing Cruise line has special Valentine’s Day dinner cruises scheduled on the Branson Landing Princess on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10 and 11 and on Valentine’s Day. The Landing Princess is a 100 foot long luxury yacht and the cruise will include a romantic gourmet dinner, served while cruising Lake Taneycomo, and seeing the spectacular nighttime view of Branson Landing and its fire and water Fountain Show from the water.

As one would expect in Branson, Missouri, there is a variety of live entertainment shows available to share with your Valentine. Shows including the Hamner Barber Variety Show; Grand Country’s Grand Jubilee, Comedy Jamboree, and Amazing Pets; the Hughes Brother’s presents “It”; the Haygoods and Pierce Arrow will be performing during the weekend of February 11. In addition, all the shows listed above except for the Hamner Barber Variety Show and Amazing Pets will also be performing shows on February 14, Valentine’s Day.

For those coming for the weekend, a package, combining lodging, shows, attractions and more offers not only a romantic way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but to save money. One example is Branson Tourism Center’s “Sweetheart Package.” It offers 3 days and 2 nights lodging, two tickets to either the Hamner Barber Variety Show or the Hughes Brothers Presents “It”, two tickets to the Titanic Museum Attraction, a special “romance basket” and more.

With all Branson has to offer, why not plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day, with your special Valentine, in Branson? For additional information or tickets on Branson’s shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center, one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services ,by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Unsinkable “Molly” Brown remembered in newest Branson Titanic exhibit

Branson's Titanic Museum always an exciting voyage back into history is even more so during 2012 as the 100th anniversary of its sinking is remembered.

BRANSON, Mo.  “The Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson has boarded more than four million passengers since it opened in April of 2006 with many of those passengers being repeat passengers,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “One of the reasons for its popularity is that it is constantly offering its guests special events, such as the National Ice Carving Association’s Championships taking place at the Titanic Feb. 4-5, the 100th anniversary special events being held in remembrance of her sinking and the updating and changing of its exhibits to provide guests with a fresh and exciting experience each time they visit.”

One of those new exhibits is the new “Molly Brown Gallery,” devoted to remembering one of the heroines of the Titanic disaster. According to information released by the Branson Titanic Attraction, “Her real name was Margaret ‘Maggie’ Tobin Brown, but the world knew her best as the irascible, indestructible Unsinkable ‘Molly’ Brown. ‘Beginning this month, hundreds of thousands of visitors to the Titanic Museum Attraction will explore the myth, lore and legacy of this larger-than-life Titanic heroine,’ announces John Joslyn, owner of the Titanic Museum Attractions and leader of the first private expedition’s dive to the wreck site.

“According to Brown’s great-granddaughter, Helen Benziger, ‘My great-grandmother was born in 1867 in Hannibal. She made a name for herself in Denver, Colo., and around the world, with an indomitable spirit that charmed European society and helped her survive the Titanic disaster.

“I was about 13 years old, sitting in a darkened movie theater watching Debbie Reynolds in The Unsinkable Molly Brown, when my mother finally told me that the fictional Molly Brown on screen was, in reality, based on the life of my great-grandmother, Margaret Tobin Brown. Since that unbelievable moment, I have devoted much of my life to keeping her legacy alive.

“Now, I’m thrilled and excited to know that the extensive Molly Brown Artifact Collection will have a new home at the Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson, not too far from where my great-grandmother was born,’ Benziger adds.

“Featured pieces in the collection include furniture, crystal glassware from Ireland, artwork, photographs, Titanic memorabilia and many other treasures gathered from around the world to grace the Denver mansion Maggie shared with her millionaire mining husband, J.J. Brown.

“Museum guests will see original costumes worn by Debbie Reynolds in the movie ‘The Unsinkable Molly Brown,’ including the pale-green, elaborately beaded silk gown she wore while celebrating her birthday abroad in Paris.

“‘Helen Benziger was in Branson to help us launch the museum attraction in 2006. She inspired us all,’ says Joslyn, ‘and we’re honored to welcome her back Thursday, March 22, to dedicate our new gallery, entirely devoted to her great-grandmother.'”

For additional information or tickets for the Branson Titanic Museum Attraction, any of its 100th anniversary events, the “Molly Brown Exhibit” or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Three must see and do things for your Branson Itinerary

Silver Dollar City's world class coaster, "Wildfire" and its spectacular view of the Ozark Hills and Table Rock Lake.*

BRANSON, Mo. “There is an infinite choice of things to see and do in Branson, Missouri and one of the questions we are asked the most often by first time visitors is, ‘What are the “must” things to see and do?'” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Obviously that will change with the particular needs or desires of the person asking the question, the season of the year and other factors, but on average, the following three things should certainly be at the top of anyone’s ‘must see and do’ Branson itinerary'”

Silver Dollar City
See a Show
Branson Landing

Silver Dollar City is an 1880s styled theme park that is Branson’s oldest and most popular paid attraction. It has six world class festivals a year, 30 thrilling attractions and rides including its new kids area – “Half Dollar Holler,” 60 unique craft shops craftsmen demonstrating skills in pioneer crafts, great food and much more.

Branson is called, by some, “The live music show capital of the world” and during the season offers a variety and quality of live entertainment that is unequaled in any other travel destination of its size, perhaps any size. With all the shows in Branson there is sure to be a show that will appeal to just about everyone. Johnson points out that the original show on the Branson Strip, “Presleys’ Country Jubilee” is iconic not only for that, but because two of its cast members, drummer Steve Presley and his brother Gary Presley, the show’s comedian, have been performing continuously since it opened on the what is now the “Branson Strip “in 1967 and set a new “record” every time they perform. She points out that it is also one of Branson’s most popular shows and its mixture of music and “action comedy” will entertain the entire family.

Constructed at a cost of about $400 million in 2006, Branson Landing is at the same time, one of Branson’s main attractions and a premier shopping destination. It is located immediately adjacent to historic downtown Branson and the Branson Convention Center, on the shores of beautiful Lake Taneycomo. With its unique promenade construction; 100 specialty retail stores, shops and restaurants; $7.5 million fire, water and light fountain show; board walk and attractions, Branson Landing is a unique part of the Branson experience.

Johnson says that Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services, has a staff of over 100 people dedicated to just one thing, helping people plan and have a great Branson experience. BTC would be pleased to have one of their knowledgeable local Branson Vacation Planners assist anyone in planning their Branson vacation at absolutely no charge either by calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

* Photo courtesy of Silver Dollar City

6th annual Titanic Ice Carving Competition is also NICA National Finals

Beautiful ice sculture with Jaynee, the Titanics First Class Maid.

BRANSON, Mo. “Becoming a tradition over the last five years, one of the most anticipated events of the Winter Season in Branson is the annual ice carving competition held at The Titanic Museum Attraction each year,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “As exciting and amazing as the first five have been, this year’s event, being held in Branson on February 4 and 5 promises to be even more exciting because it will be the National Ice Carving Association’s (NICA) National Finals and a ‘preliminary for competitors to end up in the city of Sochi, Russia, the host city for the XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014,'” she continued.

In addition, the competitors will be competing for the largest NICA Prize Purse to date, $25,000 in two categories, “Master” and “Professional” with competitors creating beautiful pieces of art from 250 pound blocks of ice within a prescribed period of time. New this year will be a ” Speed Carving Competition at the end of each day which will result in the crowning of a “National Speed Carving Champion.”

“We are very excited to have the Titanic in Branson host the 2012 NICA U.S. Nationals. This two-day ice carving competition brings the nation’s best ice carvers together for a chance at the title of NICA U.S. Nationals Champion. This will be one of our premier stops on NICA’s International Tour Champions Ice Carving Competition Circuit, currently the largest circuit in the world,” said Jeff Petercsak, Executive Director, National Ice Carving Association.

NICA, is an association with the stated objective of promoting ice sculpture through education, competitions, standardized judging, and exhibitions and is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. In addition to competing for thousands of dollars in cash prizes, the carvers will also be competing for professional recognition within NICA and seeking points under NICA’s certification program

Six years ago, prior to the holding of the very first Ice Carving Competition, Mary Kellogg Joslyn, co owner of the Titanic with her husband John Joslyn, said it was a “first for Titanic and for Branson.” She emphasized that it was the first of many special family events coming to the Titanic designed to give their guests something new and exciting to see every time they visited. The fact that the Titanic is hosting its sixth Annual Ice Carving Competition, as part of a continuing series of special family events, illustrates its commitment to making each visit to the Titanic a fresh exciting experience.

Branson Tourism Center’s Johnson says that the event annually draws thousands of visitors and expects that this year’s event will draw even more, not only because of the NICA National Championship, but because 2012 is the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic and suggests advance reservations for lodging and shows. She also points out that time is running out for people to participate in the Titanic’s “Rose Petal Memorial Tribute,” a unique, historical and once in a lifetime event. For additional information or tickets for the Titanic, the Ice Carving Competition or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

TripAdvisor recognizes Branson as one of top “Destinations on the rise”

The Titanic Museum Attraction is just one of the many shows and attractions on the famed "Branson Strip."

BRANSON, Mo. Branson was recently recognized as one of the “15 Destinations on the rise” by TripAdvisor.Com in a select list with the likes of Nashville, TN, Austin, TX, Charleston, SC and others. In naming Branson as Number 7 out of the 15 destinations recognized, the article said that Branson’s natural beauty, attractions, live entertainment, shopping and other activities “draw 8.4 million tourists a year.”

While pointing out that the “live music and comedy shows, numerous restaurants, theme parks, shopping outlets and myriad hotels” available on the famed “Branson Strip” is reminiscent of the non-stop entertainment provided by Las Vegas the article stresses some very important differences. There are no casinos and all that Branson provides is done amid “small town rural surroundings” by a “warm, hospitable town tucked into the foothills of the Ozarks.”

The article goes on to say that Branson’s “Rolling hills offer 200 miles of trails for hiking, horseback riding and biking, and three scenic lakes that are havens for fishing and water sports.” Stephanie Milton, Director of Marketing for the Branson Tourism Center, said that not only is Branson surrounded with the natural beauty of the Ozarks, but that, from Silver Dollar City to Branson Landing, that natural beauty has been integrated into the Branson experience. “When all that Branson has to offer, in terms of live entertainment, attractions, shopping and other activities is considered together with its small town atmosphere, spirit and natural beauty, the result in a unique experience that can only be found in Branson, Missouri,” she continued.

Milton said, “What an honor it is for Branson to be recognized as one of the of “15 Destinations on the rise” by TripAdvisor.Com.” She also explains that during the Spring of this year Branson also received recognition from TripAdvisor as one of the “Great U.S. Destinations to Discover.” She feels that such recognition is in large part due to the efforts of all those involved with Branson’s Tourism Industry to ensure that Branson’s guests have a great Branson experience and a philosophy of ‘If it’s important to you then it’s important to me.”‘

To those who have never been to Branson before she suggests, “Why not plan a visit to Branson during 2012 to see what all the excitement is about?” Too, she reminds those who have visited before that Branson will be celebrating its Centennial throughout all of 2012 providing an ideal time to revisit and enjoy all that Branson has to offer. For assistance in planning a trip to Branson or getting your questions on Branson answered by local Branson experts, Milton offers the free services of the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Branson is a unique “gift,” at Christmas or any time

Branson's Titanic Museum always an exciting voyage back into history is even more so during 2012 as the 100th anniversary of its sinking is remembered.

When one thinks of Branson, Missouri many things instantly come to mind, fun, excitement, variety and value to name a few. The word “gift” might not often come to mind, but at this special time of the year describing what Branson represents as a “gift” might be totally appropriate.

Particularly at this time of the year, when the word “gift” is used people think of Christmas presents, but as the term is used in this article a “gift” is “a notable capacity, talent, or endowment.” Branson is notably endowed with the natural beauty of the Ozarks, three pristine lakes, spectacular shopping, more than 100 shows filled with some of the most talented performers anywhere and a variety of exciting fun filled attractions unmatched anywhere.

Where else can a person go in this country where, less than 10 minutes away from a 45,000 plus acre lake, Table Rock Lake, they can be sitting in a theatre seat watching one of Branson’s numerous live shows? Is there a another place where a family can share a “voyage” aboard a half scale replica of the R.M.S. Titanic at the Titanic Museum Attraction during the day and enjoy a wonderful cruise on Table Rock Lake, dinner and great entertainment aboard the magnificent Branson Belle?

Is there another place in America where an attraction such as the 1880’s theme park, Silver Dollar City, Branson’s largest and most popular attraction and its dozens of exciting rides, shows, demonstrating craftsmen, has been built over a Natural National Landmark such as “Marvel Cave?” One has to wonder how many theme parks anywhere have been integrated into the natural environment surrounding them as Silver Dollar City has to become a virtual part of the Ozark Mountains surrounding it and whose history, crafts and culture it preserves and shares with the world?

Is there anywhere else that has the variety of attractions that Branson has? From the World’s Largest Toy Museum and the Ralph Foster Museum at the College of the Ozarks, called the “Smithsonian of the Ozarks” to the Veterans Memorial Museum, the Hollywood Wax Museum, Ripley’s Believe It or Not and many other activities; Branson’s attractions provide an opportunity for fun and excitement that would be notable anywhere.

In the snow of winter or the heat of summer, Dick's 5 & 10, in historic downtown Branson, is just one example of the unique shopping Branson has to offer.

Branson is a shopping Mecca for shoppers endowed with one of the most varied shopping experiences available anywhere. From hand crafted items in Silver Dollar City and many of Branson’s other specialty shop to two major outlet malls, Dicks 5 & 10 in historic downtown Branson and the $150 million Branson Landing, Branson offers a unique shopping experience not available anywhere else.

As notable and exciting as everything Branson has to offer is, what really makes the gift of Branson special is the spirit of its people as they present the gift of Branson to its visitors. At a recent employee gathering, Lianne Milton, the co-owner of Branson Tourism Center, one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services, might just have summed up that spirit as well as it can be when she said, “If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.” That’s the icing on the cake in terms of the gift that Branson gives its guests because to each of its millions of annual visitors, it says, “If it’s important to you, it’s important to me” and does its best to make it so.

Why come to Branson during the “off season?”

Tthe Hollywood Wax Museum is just one of the many year round attractions in Branson.

BRANSON, Mo. The question is often asked, “Why should I come to Branson during the off season?” Having lived in the Branson area for the major part of 25 years this writer feels safe in answering that question by saying, “For the same reason you’d come during the season, to have fun and enjoy a great Branson experience.”

The experience one will enjoy during the off season will be different from a couple of perspectives. First, the vast majority of Branson’s live shows will be closed during January and most of February, but great shows such as the Grand Jubilee, Hughes Brothers, and others will be available with more gradually opening in February and subsequent months.

In terms of attractions, although Branson’s biggest and most popular attraction the 1880’s theme park Silver Dollar City will be not open until March 15, the vast majority of Branson’s attractions are not weather dependent and will be open. These include attractions such as Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Hollywood Wax Museum, the Castle of Chaos, the Titanic Museum Attraction and many others. Regardless of the weather there will be an exciting fun filled activity for your family to share together that is only minutes away from wherever you are staying in Branson.

It is going to be a very special year at the Titanic Museum Attraction as they remember the 100th anniversary of the great ships sinking with many special events. In addition, they will host the 2012 National Ice Carving Association’s U.S. Nationals on February 4-5 with the carvers competing for an opportunity “to end up in the city of Sochi, Russia, the host city for the XXII Olympic Winter Games, in 2014.

From an outdoor perspective there is everything from trout fishing on Lake Taneycomo, bass fishing on Table Rock Lake, to walking, hiking, biking, seeing the eagles or experiencing the National Tiger Sanctuary. Have young children and want a great photo opportunity with them having a blast, then take them down to “Branson’s Unofficial Duck Feeding Area” at Scotty’s Dock and let them feed the ducks and geese that congregate there. Just a leisurely walk along the Branson Landing’s Boardwalk is a unique and wonderful experience to share together.

Speaking of Branson Landing brings to mind Branson’s fabulous shopping which is always in season. From Branson’s major Malls such as Tanger Outlets and Branson Landing to its specialty shops and shopping attractions such as “Dick’s 5 & 10,” Branson provides a shopping experience that is as unique as it is unparalleled and is never “out of season.” While avoiding the in season crowds you just might get some of the best values of the year.

Branson’s is noted for the variety, quality and value of its lodging. From lakeside condos and cabins to quaint B&Bs, resorts with inside water parks and many others, there is a lodging choice for every budget and need with many offering complimentary breakfast.

In Branson, fun, excitement, value and family are always in season. Branson’s off season offers an opportunity to enjoy these things without the pressures of crowds and traffic that are common during the season. “In season” or “out of season” Branson offers a unique unparalleled experience and great value and the opportunity to create memories that could last a life time.

Usher in the New Year in Branson Missouri

Pierce Arrow is just one of the many Branson shows that will be holding special New Year's Eve Shows.

“What better place than Branson, Missouri for families to say, ‘Goodbye’ to the old year and welcome in the New Year?” asked Stephanie Milton, Director of Marketing for the Branson Tourism Center. “When it comes to family entertainment and fun there is no place like Branson and from the morning of New Year’s Eve, December 31, to the traditional New Year’s Eve celebration at midnight, there are numerous interesting and exciting ways for families to celebrate the occasion together,” she continued.

As would be expected in the place called “The live music show capital of the world,” Branson will offer a variety of exciting live shows.. The Official Branson.Com Show Schedule, powered by the Branson Tourism Center, indicates that the following shows, sorted alphabetically by time, will be open on December 31. In addition, if a show has indicated they are doing something special to celebrate New Year’s Eve the words “New Year’s Eve Show” follows the shows name. Click here for information on the specifics of each show’s celebration.

10:00 AM

Amazing Pets
The Lennon Morning Show

2:00 PM

Hank Williams Revisited

3:00 PM

Acrobats of China
Comedy Jamboree

3:30 PM
Miracle of Christmas

5:00 PM

Circle B Supper Show
The Rat Pack – Live and Swingin’

5:15 PM

Christmas on the Trail

5:30 PM

Dixie Stampede

7:30 PM

Comedy Hypnosis Dinner Show New Year’s Eve

8:00 PM

Clay Cooper’s New Year’s Eve
Jukebox Journey

9:00 PM

Acrobats of China New Year’s Eve
Doug Gabriel New Year’s Eve
Grand Jubilee New Year’s Eve
Hamner Barber New Year’s Eve
Haygoods New Year’s Eve
Jim Stafford New Year’s Eve
Kirby VanBurch New Year’s Eve
Pierce Arrow New Year’s Eve

9:30 PM

Legends in Concert New Year’s Eve

The Titanic Museum Attraction is just one of many Branson Attractions that will be open for Branson visitors to enjoy.

Although Silver Dollar City will be closed for the season, from the magnificent Titanic Museum, to ziplines, and so much more, the vast majority of Branson’s attractions will also be open over New Year’s weekend. The Titanic, always interesting, fresh and exciting is even more so as it remembers the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the great ship.

Other highlights would include the areas two major drive through Christmas Lighting displays and their millions of glittering lights, the Branson Area Festival of Lights and Shepherd of the Hill’s Trail of Lights. One of Branson’s most unique Christmas events is “White Flight,” at the Butterfly and Rainforest Adventure, with thousands of white butterflies, live statute art and much more. The ships of Branson Landing Cruise Lines, the “Lake Queen” and the “Lake Princess” will be sailing throughout the day and also have special New Year’s Eve cruises.

What would it be like without the famous shopping for which Branson is noted? Well no one will have to find out because Branson’s major retail centers and many of its specialty shops will be open. Branson Landing will be open from 11 AM to 7 PM on both December 31 and January 1; Tanger Outlets from 9 AM to 6 PM on December 31 and from 10 AM to 7:00 PM on January 1 and the Factory Merchant Mall, the Red Roof Mall, is open from 9 AM to 6 PM on December 31 and from 10 AM to 7:00 PM on January 1.

“From shows to attractions, great shopping, cruises and so much more, Branson is the ideal place for families to celebrate New Year’s together,” said Branson Tourism Center’s Milton. She also advises that weather and other factors could cause schedule changes etc and offers the services of the Branson Tourism Center in answering any questions anyone might have about any of the activities mentioned in this article or for assistance with tickets or lodging arrangements. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Silver Dollar City’s spectacular award winning Christmas lighting

Silver Dollar City's town squarea glitter with the beauty of its giant Special Effects Christmas Tree and its Parade of Lights passing through

One of the features of Branson’s Ozark Mountain Christmas is millions of colorful Christmas lights arranged in beautiful displays. Nowhere is that more evident than at Silver Dollar City’s An Old Time Christmas Festival. The festival itself has won awards and been recognized nationally, but it’s the millions of Christmas lights that turn the 1880s theme park into a spectacular Christmas wonderland.

How spectacular? Spectacular enough to have been named in a number of nationally recognized lists of “Holiday Lights” such as “Yahoo Travel’s Top 10 Destinations for Holiday Lights,” “MSN’s Top 10 Extreme Holiday Lights” and’s “10 Best Holiday Light Displays in the U.S.”

Branson’s Silver Dollar City’s An Old Time Christmas was one of the major factors why Branson was listed as number six out of ten by Yahoo! Travel in an article entitled “Top 10 Destinations for Holiday Lights,” written by Elissa Richard. ” In pointing out that Branson is transformed into a “veritable winter wonderland each holiday season, bursting at the seams with lavish light displays” the article specifically refers to Silver Dollar City’s An Old Time Christmas in detail.

It describes it as a glittering and “elaborate light-and-music show showcasing with no fewer than 4 million radiant lights and 1,000 decorated Christmas trees. That same general theme was consistent throughout all the listings as well as other reasons cited for their recognition such as the spectacular five story high “Special Effects Christmas Tree” which “comes alive with lights and music each day as it is lit at dusk in the middle of the town square. Its music and lights fill the square with the sounds and sights of Christmas as it serves as the centerpiece of a unique and beautiful Christmas spectacle not available anywhere else.

And things just get brighter and more exciting from there. Twice a night the Holiday Light Parade with is glittering floats winds its way throughout Silver Dollar City.  As it enters and travels through the town square by the Special Effects Christmas Tree the result is a unique and beautiful Christmas experience that will provide Christmas memories for a lifetime.

“And that’s just part of what An Ole Time Christmas has to offer,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center, one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. “It features the Broadway-style production A Dickens’Christmas Carol, the interactive kids’show “Frosty,” a musical Living Nativity, holiday foods, unique special gifts made by Silver Dollar City craftsmen and much more,” she continued.

As is the case with all of Silver Dollar City’s world class festivals, the special events, shows and activities associated with the festival are in addition to everything else the 1880’s styled international award winning theme park offers including, weather permitting, 30 rides and attractions encompassing everything from “Wildfire,” a world class multi-looping roller coaster that reaches speeds up to 66 miles per hour to their new $1 million “Half Dollar Holler” designed for kids through age 7, craft demonstrations and so much more.

Please feel free to contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), through their toll free number, 1-800-785-1500 from 7 AM to 9 PM every day of the year, except Christmas Day, to talk with one of their trained Branson Vacation Travel Planners for additional information or tickets to Silver Dollar City. All of BTC’s Vacation Planners live in the local area. They and their families dine, have fun and enjoy the same restaurants, attractions, lakes, shopping, shows and other activities they are discussing with you. There is no service charge or other fees for their advice and assistance.

Yahoo Travel names Branson as one of Top 10 Destinations for Holiday Lights

Millions of sparkling Christmas lights decorate Silver Dollar City's town square, light parade and five story Special Effects Christmas Tree. *

BRANSON, Mo. From trees to Nativity scenes and lots in between, Christmas lights add a special beauty and glitter to Branson’s celebration of the traditional American Christmas. Since its inception over 20 years ago, Christmas Lights have played a very important part of Branson’s Ozark Mountain Christmas adding a glow to the Ozark Hills that spreads from the wonder of Silver Dollar City’s Old Time Christmas to the giant Nativity Scene on Top of Mount Branson overlooking Branson Landing and downtown Branson.

Recently Branson was listed as number six, by Yahoo! Travel in an article entitled “Top 10 Destinations for Holiday Lights,” written by Elissa Richard. “It’s amazing that a little town in southwestern Missouri is listed on the same list with New York City, Walt Disney World, Chicago and others,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “What a testimony to the great experience Branson guests can expect during Ozark Mountain Christmas,” she continued.

The article points out that Branson is transformed into a “veritable winter wonderland each holiday season, bursting at the seams with lavish light displays…”It specifically mentions Silver Dollar City’s An Old Time Christmas, describing it as “an elaborate light-and-music show showcasing no fewer than 4 million radiant lights and 1,000 decorated Christmas trees” including the “5-story Special Effects Christmas Tree which, along with the surrounding square, beams with over a million lights that ‘dance’ to select Christmas tunes and the holiday light parade with light-embellished musical floats that runs twice each evening.”

Branson’s two other major drive through Christmas lighting displays The Shepherd of the Hills Trail of Lights and the Branson Area Festival of Lights were also featured in the article. The “Shepherd of the Hills Trail of Lights” is a two and a half mile journey through millions of Christmas lights, hundreds of gorgeous displays, holiday music, and animated scenes most of which have been integrated into the natural terrain of the Shepherd of the Hills Homestead. and includes a “trip to Inspiration Tower where guests can ride glass elevators up 230 feet for a ‘Santa’s eye view’ of the lights from above.” The “Branson Area Festival of Lights” is a one mile trip through more than 175 sparkling lighting displays, many of which are animated.

“And that’s just the Christmas lights at the major displays,” said Johnson. Indeed, when all the rest of the lighting and decorations that the city of Branson, Branson Landing and Branson’s shows, attractions and other businesses have done is factored in with the giant Nativity Scene that overlooks historic downtown Branson, it’s hard to envision a city that will be more aglow with either Christmas lights or the true spirit Christmas than Branson, Missouri.

* Photo courtesy of Silver Dollar City