Category Archives: Veterans

Hat at auction reunites two Navy Veterans after 61 years


USS Taussig shipmates Waynolin Wood, left, and Darrell Mann are reunited during Branson's Veteran's Week after 61 years.

BRANSON, Mo., November 10, 2013 – Branson’s Veterans Week is a time for Veterans to relax, have fun, be honored and there might very well be hundreds of individuals being reunited with someone they haven’t seen in decades. It is highly unlikely however, that many such reunions will reunite two shipmates who served together for four years, have been separated for 61 years and are together this week as the result of a hat and a chance meeting at an auction.

When Eric Prey, a Vacation Planning Specialist for the Branson Tourism Center, first mentioned that one of his customers, Gene Gummersheimer, was coming to Branson with a small group of crewmembers that had served on the USS Taussig, he explained that among those crew members were two who had not seen each other in 61 years. Beyond the 61 years the story of how the reunion occurred defies all odds indicating that it was destiny’s plan for these old shipmates to meet again.

2nd Class Pipefitter Waynolin Wood and 3rd Class Engineman Darrell Mann served together aboard the USS Taussig DD 746, a destroyer with 20 Battle Stars, from 1948 until 1952 and two tours in Korean waters during the Korean War. In 1952 Wood left the Navy and Mann made the Navy his career serving for 20 years.

About three years ago, Gene Gummersheimer, who served aboard the Taussing ten years after Wood and Mann had left, was at an auction wearing a USS Taussig hat and a woman, Sandy Wood, came up and told him that her husband had also served on the Taussig. They exchanged contact information and Gummersheimer called Wood and sent him a roster with the contact information of the crew members that were still alive. Wood saw Mann’s name and the result, thanks to the efforts of Gummersheimer, was the reunion in Branson this week of Mann from Connecticut and Wood from Illinois after a 61 year separation.

There’s probably a lot that could be written, but the words of Wood himself seem especially appropriate when he said, “This has been one of the most enjoyable weeks of my life.”

Branson hosts America’s biggest “Veterans Day” celebration

Branson's Veterans Memorial Garden is just one of the many ways Veterans are honored in Branson on a daily basis.

BRANSON, Mo., October 17, 2013 – “Inherent to the Branson Spirit of God, Family and Country is patriotism and the honoring of Veterans, active duty Armed Forces personnel and their families,” said Tammy Johnson the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Veterans and active duty Military Armed Forces personnel are honored on a daily basis, but even by Branson standards ‘Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week’ is special.'”

She points out that it is the nation’s biggest “Veterans Day” celebration running from November 5th through November 11th each year and features a variety of events and activities honoring Veterans and their service. These events encompass everything from reunions, special shows such as Tony Orlando’s “Yellow Ribbon Salute to Veterans,” to one of the longest running Veterans Day Parades in America as the “80th Annual Veterans Day Parade” taking place in Historic Downtown Branson at the 11th Hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

The following list of scheduled events, although subject to change, is current as of October 16, 2013, does not include a myriad of specials and other things that local businesses, shows and attractions are doing, and are sorted by date and time:

November 5

1400 – 1630 Official Opening Ceremony and Welcome to Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week at Clay Cooper Theatre

0900 – 1530 Registration & Souvenir Commemorative Collectors Button Sales at Branson Mill Craft Village

0900 – 1530 “Remembering Our Fallen” The photo display, which includes photos of each Armed Forces Missourian who has fallen in the war against terrorism.

2000 “Special Salute to Veterans,” Showboat Branson Belle

November 6

1230 – 1430 Veterans Spouses Luncheon, Radisson Hotel, RSVP required call 417-230-1178

1400 Special Showing of “Four-star Country Boy,” Keeter Center Royal Oak Forum, College of the Ozarks, 417-690-2212. A play based on the life of former Assistant Commandant of the United States Marine Corps General Terrence R. Dake as conveyed by the book “The Four Generals of Hard Work U,” by Jerry C. Davis.

1500 – 1700 “Vietnam Veterans Thank You, Reception” with light Hors d’oeuvres, The Keeter Center, College of the Ozarks, 417-690-2212

November 7

0820 – 1130 Persian Gulf War Veterans Mini Reunion hosted by VVA Chapter 913, Branson, MO at the Golden Corral, 417-230-2278.

1200 – 1700 Vietnam Veterans Mini Reunion, Camden Hotel & Conference Center, 417-230-2278

November 8

0800 2nd Annual Navy Memorial Service, Main Street Lake Cruises Branson Landing, 877-382-6287. Brief welcome at the dock or inside in case if inclement weather, followed by a short cruise and wreath ceremony honoring those departed members of the U. S. Naval Services for their service. After the boat returns to the dock there will be refreshments and fellowship.

0900 Wal-Mart Tribute to Veterans, Wal-Mart Supercenter in Branson Hills, 417-230-2278

1130 – 1330 Gold Star and Blue Star Mothers Luncheon, Landry’s Seafood Restaurant, Fran Davis 417-272-0630

1200 – 1500 Korea War Veterans Mini Reunion, Stone Castle Inn – 3050 Green Mountain Dr. 417-230-2278

1400 Tree Dedication at Veterans Grove, Alumni Center Lawn, College of the Ozarks, 417-690-2212

1500 – 1700 WWII Mini-Reunion, The Keeter Center, College of the Ozarks, 417-690-2212

1400 – 1900 4th ID Hospitality Room, Savannah House, 165 Expressway, 902-684-0147

1500 – 1930 Women Veterans Mini Reunion , Golden Corral with social hour, meal and show. Must RSVP 417-230-2278.

November 9

1200 – 1500 Korea War Veterans Mini Reunion, Stone Castle Inn – 3050 Green Mountain Dr. 417-230-2278

1900 U.S. Submarine Veterans Base Candlelight Ceremony, 918-786-8851 hosted by members of the Topeka-Jefferson City U.S. Submarine Veterans Base.

November 11

0700 Flag Raising/Wreath Laying Ceremony, Main Campus Flag Pole, Chapel Lawn, College of the Ozarks, 417-690-2212

1100 80th Annual Veterans Day Parade, Historic Downtown Branson

1400 Tony Orlando’s “Yellow Ribbon Salute to Veterans”, Welk Theatre, 417-337-7469 This will be Tony’s 20th and final year of presenting this annual free show to Veterans in Branson. Reservations may be made by calling 417-337-7469.

1900 Patriotic Convocation Jones Auditorium in the Nettie Marie Jones Learning Center, College of the Ozarks, 417-690-2212.

For additional information on “Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week,” any of Branson’s shows, attractions or for lodging arrangements please feel free to  call the Branson Tourism Center at 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Branson hosts America’s largest Veterans Day Celebration

Branson's Verteran's Memorial Garden, one of the many ways Branson honors America's Veterans. is just one of the man

BRANSON, Mo., October 7, 2012 — “Honoring America’s Veterans, active duty Armed Forces personnel and their families is an important part of Branson’s heritage and tradition,” said Tiffany Isnard, the Director of Marketing for the Branson Tourism Center. “It is something that is part of Branson’s heart and spirit and is done on a daily basis, but nowhere is it more evident than during Branson’s annual ‘Veterans Homecoming Week’ running from November 5 through November 11.”

The week long event is a special and exciting time, not only for those whom Branson honors, but for Branson itself. A schedule of events for “Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week” follows below and is sorted by date, single day events first followed by multiple day events, and is current as of October 7. Click here for access to more detailed information on most of these events.

Nov. 5 – Patriotic Welcome to Veterans Homecoming Week, Yakov Smirnoff Theater
Nov. 5 – “Special Salute to Veterans” dinner cruise & show on Showboat Branson Belle
Nov. 5 – Vets for Vets Welcome Show, The Starlite Theatre
Nov. 6 – POW/MIA Service, Vietnam Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort Branson
Nov. 6 – 237th Marine Corps Birthday Ball, Chateau on the Lake
Nov. 6 – Veterans Sporting Clays Shoot, Ozark Shooters Sports Complex, 759 US Hwy 65
Nov. 7 – A Salute to Veterans Spouses Reception at the Radisson Hotel
Nov. 7 – A Salute to Veteran’s Spouses Luncheon, Radisson Hotel
Nov. 7 – Vietnam Veterans Mini Reunion, Camden Hotel and Conference Center
Nov. 8 – Women Veterans Mini Reunion, Golden Corral Showroom
Nov. 8 – The First Annual Navy Ceremony “Lost at Sea,” Main Street Lake Cruises, Branson Landing
Nov. 9 – 16th Annual Military Gala & Banquet, Chateau on the Lake
Nov. 9 – Korean War Mini Reunion , Stone Castle Inn
Nov. 9 – 8th Annual Rose Petal Ceremony and Women Veterans Tribute Luncheon
Nov. 10 – 3rd Annual Branson West Flag Lighting Ceremony, Business 13/Hwy 12 intersection
Nov. 10 – Bretts For Vets Award Winner Presentation, Dick Clark’s American Bandstand Theater
Nov. 10 – Wal-Mart Tribute to Veterans
Nov. 10 – Thanks4Giving Gala featuring Rudy Giuliani, Hilton Branson Convention Center
Nov. 11 – Military Wedding Ceremony at The Branson Landing Fountains
Nov. 11 – Tony Orlando’s Yellow Ribbon Salute to the Veterans, Welk Resort Theatre
Nov. 11 – 79th Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony, Downtown Branson
Nov. 11 – Veteran’s Day Flag Raising, Big Cedar Lodge
Nov. 11 – “Celebrate Veterans” Breakfast, First Baptist Church of BransonNov 4 – Nov 10 – Skaggs Veteran’s Wall
Nov 5 – Nov 10 – Veterans Village, Red Roof Mall*
Nov 5 – Nov 11 – Veterans Homecoming Week, Throughout Branson*
Nov 5 – Nov 12 – Vietnam Memorial Wall, Welk Resort Branson
Nov 5 – Nov 10 – Registration & Souvenir Commemorative Collectors Button Sales
Nov 5 – Nov 11 – Veterans’ Patch Wall, Main Lobby at Grand Country Music Hall
Nov 6 – Nov 10 – Day Room at the Red Roof Mall, Red Roof Mall
Nov 6 – Nov 10 – Free Lunches for Veterans, Red Roof Mall
Nov 6 – Nov 11 – Veterans Are Special, Hamner Barber Theater
Nov 6 – Nov  8 – WWII Big Band Dance, Our Lady of the Lake Parish Hall
Nov 7 – Nov 14 – Titanic Honors Veterans
*Although stores in mall are closed Veteran’s Week events are being held at the Mall.

Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week is celebrated during the first week of Ozark Mountain Christmas which runs from November 1 through December 31. With its Christmas shows, drive through lighting displays and Silver Dollar City’s Old Time Christmas it provides those attending Veterans Homecoming Week with a unique opportunity to experience not only the events connected with Veterans Homecoming Week, but to also experience Ozark Mountain Christmas.

Branson Tourism Center’s Isnard reminds those attending Veterans Homecoming Week that November through December is one of the busiest times of the years in Branson and suggests advance reservations for lodging and shows to ensure not only availability, but to obtain the best seats accommodations. For further information on Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week, Ozark Mountain Christmas or additional information or tickets for any of Branson’s shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements, please feel free to contact the Branson Tourism Center by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 for free personal assistance or through their website

USS Point Cruz Reunion remembers “The Navy’s Baby”

Daniel Keenan, left, Clay Cooper, and Shirley Keenan.

BRANSON, Mo., September 17, 2012 — What does the reunion of the USS Point Cruz in Branson, September 10 – 14 of 2012 have to do the with an emaciated near death two month old Korean Caucasian baby in a Korean orphanage in 1953? Actually, quite a bit according to Daniel Edward Keenan, who was that dying baby. “If not for the intervention of the Point Cruz, I would not be here today. They literally saved my life,” he said.

Keenan and the Point Cruz first “met” in September of 1953 when the carrier escort docked at Inchon Harbor, in South Korean. Its Chaplain, LTJG Edward O. Riley, while responding to a request for assistance from Sister Philomena de la Croix, the head of the French Catholic Orphanage caring for 400 babies, discovered an emaciated, near death, blue eyed, fair skinned, baby with blond hair, called “George,”  amid all the Korean babies. Knowing that the chances of survival for a half blood Caucasian baby were slim Riley went back to the ship and explained the situation to its “Skipper,” Captain John T. Hayward, who instructed him to go back to the orphanage and to not return to the ship without the baby.

Although it was against all military regulations, not a “one trip” to the orphanage situation and took the intervention of visiting Vice President Richard Nixon, the “Baby George” not only came to the ship, but the necessary Korean Pass Port and U.S. Visa paper work was completed for him to come to the United States within mere weeks. As unlikely as this seems in this day and age Baby George went aboard a U.S. Naval vessel and into the welcoming arms of its 1,000 plus man crew, who treated him as a “member” of the families they were so far away from and to whom they longed to return.

Not only was George piped aboard the ship like a visiting dignitary, he went into a “nursery ” the crew had prepared with a crib and playpen, handmade toys and an environment under which “George,” or “Baby-san” as he was sometimes called, flourished. The stories tell how sheets were cutup into diapers, the crew took turns changing his diapers, anxiously awaited the daily reports on his improving condition and gathered to see him whenever the PA Announcement was made that the baby “would be on the hanger deck” or was wheeled around the ship in a modified “bomb carrier” baby carriage. Imagine, a U.S. Navy ship with diapers hanging from the “yard arm.” So unique and touching was the story that it was made into a TV movie entitled, “A Thousand Men and a Baby,” which aired on CBS in 1997.

During the process, a doctor from the hospital ship USS Consolation, Lt. Hugh C. Keenan, who had treated him and examined him for his Visa indicated a desire to adopt him and obtained the enthusiastic long distance sight unseen agreement of his wife to do so. When the USS Point Cruz arrived in Japan, “Baby George” was “piped” off the ship and, with Chaplain Riley, boarded the USNS General Hugh J. Gaffey, a transport ship for transportation to the United States. When “George” disembarked from the ship in Seattle, Washington, December 12, 1953 in the arms of a Navy Nurse he was transferred directly into the waiting arms of his “mother” Genevieve Keenan.

“George,” was renamed Daniel Edward Keenan, “Daniel” being his dad’s father’s name and “Edward” after Chaplain Riley. It was over 40 years before “The Baby” and crew of the Point Cruz” met again. That was in a tearful celebration at the ships second reunion in 1993. Keenan has attended the vast majority of them since, including the one just completed in Branson, Missouri.

Julie Peters, Group Sales Manager with Branson Tourism Center’s Group Sales, worked closely with the USS Point Cruz in planning and holding their reunion., She said that in addition to participating in the fellowship and camaraderie of a military reunion, they also went to see Clay Cooper’s Country Music Express, SIX and The Yakov Smirnoff Show. Peters points out that while the group was at Clay Cooper’s Show he recognized them and asked Keenan to share the story with the audience. Peters said that  it’s always a special pleasure to work on Military Reunions and getting to hear the story behind “A Thousand Men and a Baby” was a special personal highlight.

What are the odds on that, Keenan and his wife Shirley would, on their own, elect to go to see the Branson production of the Price Is Right, Live Show, be selected at random as one of the contestants and win $2,500? Insignificant as compared to the odds involved with what happened to a near death baby named “George” more than half a century ago, but wonderful nevertheless.

Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week, America’s largest Veterans Day Celebration, starts November 5

This sculpture in front of the Branson Veteran's Museum reminds visitors to Branson of America's Veterans as they travel up and down the Branson Strip.

BRANSON, Mo. “‘Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week,’ Americas largest ‘Veterans Day celebration,’ starting on November 5 and running through November 11 is a special and exciting time for us in Branson,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center “It gives us a special dedicated opportunity to honor Veterans, active duty Armed Forces personnel and their families that goes beyond the way they are honored routinely in Branson on a daily basis.

A schedule of events for “Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week” follows below and is current as of October 28:

November 4, 2011

10:00 a.m. (1000) “Traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall” ceremony at the Welk Theater.

November 5, 2011

7:00 a.m. (0700) Reveille at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

8:00 a.m. – 6 p.m. (0800 – 1800) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Veterans Registry, Tactical Operations Center and Veterans Village  at Factory Merchants Branson, 1000 Pat Nash Drive  Branson, MO. Please support our vendors. Closes at 1600 except Nov. 10 when it closes at 1500.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Day Room opens at Factory Merchants Branson. Don’t forget your acoustic instruments for jamming, visiting and games. Closes at 1800.

9:00 a.m. – 3 p.m. (0900 – 1500) “General Tommy Franks Traveling Road Show and Classroom, in a 60 foot long trailer, at the Branson Mall, 2206 W. Hwy76.

12:00 p.m. (1200) 571st Air Force Band Concert at Factory Merchants Branson along with A Tribute to Bob Hope and the USO

2:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. (1400 – 1615) “Patriotic Welcome to Veterans Homecoming” at the Branson Star Theatre, 3750 W. Hwy 76 behind the Olive Garden Restaurant.  Guest Speaker Todd Baker, author of the book “Bagdad ER, Fifteen Minutes”, performances by local entertainers and more. Open seating.

5:00 p.m. (1700) Retreat at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

5:30 p.m. (1730) 2nd Annual Branson West Veterans Parade and Flag Lighting Ceremony: 5:30 pm in Branson West

7:00 – 8:00 p.m. (1900 – 2000 hrs.) Candlelight Memorial Service for Lost Submarines will be held at the Lower Fountain at Branson Landing, Branson, MO.

7:00 p.m. (1900) The Showboat Branson Belle Salutes the Veterans with a special show and dinner for a special rate.

November 6, 2011

7:00 a.m. (0700) Reveille at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (0800 – 1800) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Veterans Registry, Tactical Operations Center and Veterans Village  at Factory Merchants Branson, 1000 Pat Nash Drive  Branson, MO. Please support our vendors. Closes at 1600

9:00 a.m. (0900) Day Room opens at Factory Merchants Branson. Don’t forget your acoustic instruments for jamming, visiting and games. Closes at 1800.

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (0900 – 1200) Veterans Sporting Clays Shoot at Ozark Shooters Sports Complex, 759 US Highway 65, North of Branson. For more information call: 417-230-2278. This shoot is for veterans only.

9:00 a.m. – 3 p.m. (0900- 1500) “General Tommy Franks Traveling Road Show and Classroom, in a 60 foot long trailer, at the Branson Mall, 2206 W. Hwy76.

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1130 – 1300) “FREE” lunch to veterans and current serving military served at Factory Merchants Branson and a $4.00 donation for all others. Sponsored by Steve’s Tree House and Grill.

1:00 p.m. (1300) 22nd Annual Branson Motorcycle Toy Run sponsored by the VFW Post 5168 of Forsyth. Donations will benefit Taney County families. Meeting at Area 57, Dick Clark Theater, Hwy. 76, Branson with the “parade of motorcycles going to the VFW Post 5168 of Forsyth” being led by Santa. Dinner and music will be provided compliments of the VFW. For more information contact the VFW @ 417-546-5869 or 417–334-0775.

5:00 p.m. (1700) Retreat at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

November 7, 2011

7:00 a.m. (0700) Reveille at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

8:00 a.m. – 6 p.m. (0800 – 1800) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Veterans Registry, Tactical Operations Center and Veterans Village at Factory Merchants Branson, 1000 Pat Nash Drive, Branson, MO. Please support our vendors. Closes at 1600

9:00 a.m. (0900) Day Room opens at Factory Merchants Branson. Don’t forget your acoustic instruments for jamming, visiting and games. Closes at 1800.

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ( 0900 – 1200) Persian Gulf War Veterans Mini Reunion at Golden Corral on Shepherd of the Hills Expressway for those who served during Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo.  FREE breakfast will be provided in the Allen Edwards Show Room, speakers, entertainment, and drawing for door prizes. Hosted by Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 913, Branson, MO.  Please RSVP by calling 417-230-2278 or email:

9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. (0900 – 1700) Army Special Forces “A” Team from Ft. Campbell KY: 9am-5pm, Factory Merchants Branson.

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1130 – 1300) “FREE” lunch to veterans and current serving military served at Factory Merchants Branson and a $4.00 donation for all others. Sponsored by Steve’s Tree House and Grill.

5:00 p.m. (1700) Retreat at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

November 8, 2011

7:00 a.m. (0700) Reveille at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

8:00 a.m. (0800) POW/MIA Service of Remembrance, Welk Resort Theatre.

8:00 a.m. – 6 p.m. (0800 – 1800) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Veterans Registry, Tactical Operations Center and Veterans Village  at Factory Merchants Branson, 1000 Pat Nash Drive, Branson, MO. Please support our vendors. Closes at 1600

9:00 a.m. (0900) Day Room opens at Factory Merchants Branson. Don’t forget your acoustic instruments for jamming, visiting and games. Closes at 1800.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Ozark Mountain Blue Star Mothers are hosting a Gold Star Mother and Blue Star Mother brunch at Steve’s Treehouse located at Stonebridge Village.  Any Gold Star Mother (mother who has lost her child in service to America) or Blue Star Mother (mother of a living veteran or current military soldier) is invited to attend. If you are planning to attend or have questions, please call Fran at 417-272-0630 or email:

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1130 – 1300) “FREE” lunch to veterans and current serving military served at Factory Merchants Branson and a $4.00 donation for all others. Sponsored by Steve’s Tree House and Grill.

12:00 p.m. (1200) United States Air Force Band of Mid-America Shades of Blue Jazz Ensemble Concert, Factory Merchants Branson.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 pm (1400 -1700) Korean War Veterans Association Mini-Reunion, will be held at the Stone Castle Hotel & Conference Center 3050 Green Mountain Drive. This is for those who served during the Korean War. Speakers, entertainment, drawing for door prizes and refreshments. For more information call 417-230-2278 or email:

5:00 p.m. (1700) Retreat at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

November 9, 2011

7:00 a.m. (0700) Reveille at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

8:00 a.m. – 6 p.m. (0800 – 1800) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort.

8:00 a.m. (0800) FREE pancake breakfast for all Veterans/active duty personnel and their families at Tri-Lakes Christian Church 116 Pathway, behind Branson Jr. High School off Bee Creek Road.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Veterans Registry, Tactical Operations Center and Veterans Village  at Factory Merchants Branson, 1000 Pat Nash Drive Branson, MO. Please support our vendors. Closes at 1600

9:00 a.m. (0900) Day Room opens at Factory Merchants Branson. Don’t forget your acoustic instruments for jamming, visiting and games. Closes at 1800.

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1100 – 1300) Women Veterans Rose Petal memorial and Women Veterans Appreciation Lunch, to honor women veterans who have died for their country will be held at the Stone Castle Hotel & Conference Center in the Drawbridge Room. Special guest speakers are Vickie Jones, Major Retired Army and Amy Bennett. Cost: $20.00 and reservations are required. Please call Barb Riggle 417-337-8387.

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1130 – 1300) “FREE” lunch to veterans and current serving military served at Factory Merchants Branson and a $4.00 donation for all others. Sponsored by Steve’s Tree House and Grill.

4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (1000 – 2200) “4th Infantry Division Special Hospitality Room at Savannah House, 165 Expressway Lane.  Hosted by 4th Infantry Division Association for more information. Call 920-684-0147 or email:

5:00 p.m. (1700) Retreat at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

5:00 p.m. (1730) 15th Annual Military Gala & Banquet, Saluting Strategic Air Command, will take place during Veterans Homecoming at Chateau on the Lake.  Call 866-481-GALA (4252) for more information.

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (1700 – 2000) “Women Veterans Mini Reunion” at Golden Corral on Shepherd of the Hills Expressway in the Allen Edwards Show room. FREE Dinner and show for women veterans and spouse or a friend. Speakers, entertainment, and drawing for door prizes.  Please RSVP by calling 417-230-2278 or

November 10, 2011

7:00 a.m. (0700) Reveille at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

8:00 a.m. – 6 p.m. (0800 – 1800) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall at the Welk Resort.

9:00 a.m. (0900) Veterans Registry, Tactical Operations Center and Veterans Village  at Factory Merchants Branson, 1000 Pat Nash Drive, Branson, MO. Please support our vendors. Closes at 1600

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1000-1300) Wal-Mart Tribute to Veterans.  The Wal-Mart Super Center at 1101 Branson Hills Parkway in association with Branson Veterans Events and Reunions will pay tribute to Veterans.  A ceremony, entertainment, refreshments and BBQ will be provided for the veterans.  All veterans in attendance will receive a lapel pin.  For more information call 417-230-2278 or email:

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (1130 – 1300) “FREE” lunch to veterans and current serving military served at Factory Merchants Branson and a $4.00 donation for all others. Sponsored by Steve’s Tree House and Grill.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (1400 – 1700) Vietnam Veterans Mini Reunion will be held at Camden Hotel and Conference Center, 275 Tanger Blvd, Branson.  Sponsored by Gatherings Plus, for more information call 417-338-4048.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (1400 – 1700) WWII Mini Reunion will be held at the Keeter Center on the campus of the College of the Ozarks.

5:00 p.m. (1700) Retreat at Factory Merchants Branson by the Dress Barn.

5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (1700 – 2300) The Few, The Proud, The United States 236th Marine Corps Birthday Ball Open to all U.S Marines, Veterans and the general public. For more information call 800-569-3493.

November11, 2011

11:00 a.m. (1100) 78th annual Veterans Day Parade is sponsored by the American Legion Post 220 and goes through downtown Branson. For parade information contact the American Legion Post 220 at 417-334-2296.

2:00 p.m. (1400) Tony Orlando’s Yellow Ribbon salute will be held at the Welk Resort Branson. Free Admission for Veterans and one (1) Guest. (Reservations Recommended) 800-505-9355.

Branson Tourism Center’s Johnson points out that Veterans Homecoming will take place during Ozark Mountain Christmas and all the special shows, drive through lighting displays and other activities associated with it which runs from November 1 through December 31. For further information on Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week, Ozark Mountain Christmas or additional information or tickets for any of Branson’s shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements, please feel free to contact the Branson Tourism Center by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 for free personal assistance or through their website

Branson Veterans Memorial Museum honors Veterans and a father

Museums centerpiece sculpture of 50 life sized WWII soldiers storming a beach.

A shared passion, a fathers service, and a son’s love and respect serve as the basis for one of Branson’s most moving attractions, The Branson Veterans Memorial Museum (Museum). June Tillis, the director of the museum said that it was opened in the fall of 2000 by Fred Hoppe, Jr. of Nebraska to honor his father, a World War II Veteran and the Veterans the other wars of the 20th Century, World War I, Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf.

Tillis explains that the Museum contains over 2000 items, many of them collected by Hoppe and his father, Fred Hoppe, Sr. over a period of 30 years. Hoppe grew up going to military collector’s trade shows with his father, collecting military weapons, memorabilia and other personal items as well as hearing stories of World War II from many of the Veterans he met.

Tillis stresses that the unique personal aspect of the Museum is that it is about the individual soldier and not about the battles, strategy and politics of the war. It  provides Branson visitors with a unique opportunity to see an up close and personal look of a little bit of what those who fought these wars went through on a personal basis through the uniforms, weapons and equipment they used; the letters they wrote; documents and pictures.

Although the Museum has over 2000 items divided into display halls for each of the wars of the 20th Century one of the major features of the Museum is the full sized bronze sculptures by Hoppe who is a noted sculpture of wild life and birds. Two of his sculptures are located outside of the museum, but the highlight has to be the 70 foot long World War II sculpture inside the museum.

The sculpture depicts 50 life sized soldiers storming a beach during World War II. The 50 figures represent all 50 states and has a plaque with the name of the Veteran and the state they represent. Tillis points out that although there were only 48 states during World War II that Hoppe wanted to honor Veterans from all states so he included the 50 figures.

In a tribute to his father, the first figure in the sculpture is his dad, Fred Hoppe, Sr. a decorated World War II Veteran. Hoppe worked ten hours a day to complete the sculpture in ten months so that it would be ready for the opening of the Museum. Tillis says it is her favorite exhibit in the museum because of its detail, scope, and what it represents. “It’s amazing,” she said.

The museum is set up in “rooms,” large exhibition halls, for each war. Each has the uniforms, weapons, and other documents and personal items such as letters, pictures and mementoes telling the personal story of those who fought in those wars. Another unique feature of the museum is that the World War II room has the names of the over 400,000 people who died in that war listed alphabetically on its walls. Particularly moving to this writer was the Flag folded on top of one of the few remaining World War II wooden boxes used to ship the bodies of those who had been killed home.

Tillis said that on average it takes about an hour and a half to go through the museum, but it is not uncommon to have people spend three or four hours going through. She points out that the appeal of the museum to children depends on their age and suggests that children ages six and above will have the best experience. The Branson Veterans Memorial Museum is open every day but Christmas from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the winter and from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the peak periods.

Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center said, “The Branson Veterans Memorial Museum is a unique inspiring attraction in terms of its subject matter, scope and emphasis, not only in Branson, but anywhere and Hoppe’s sculptures are just spectacular.” For additional information or tickets for the Museum or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Highlights of Special Events honoring Veterans during Branson Veterans Home Coming Week

“Thousands of Veterans and active duty U. S. Military personnel and their families will be honored in Branson during Branson Veterans Home Coming Week, November 5 through the 11,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Here is a list of some of the events, many of them free, compiled by the Branson Veterans Task Force and Branson Lakes Area CVB,” she added.

The list is sorted by starting date and is subject to change:

Veterans Day Room (Friday, Nov. 5 – Wednesday, Nov. 10)
Location: Factory Merchants Branson
Hours: 9 AM – 6 PM
Phone: 417-335-4041
Admission: Free Admission

Traveling Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall (Friday, Nov. 5 – Monday, Nov 15)
Location: Welk Resort Branson
Hours: 8 AM – 8 PM
Admission: Free Admission

Lost Heroes Art Quilt (Friday, Nov. 5 – Monday, Nov. 15)
Location: Welk Resort Branson
Hours: 8 AM – 8 PM
Admission: Free Admission

WWII Aviation Art Prints on Display (Friday, Nov. 5 – Monday, Nov. 15)
Location: Dick’s Old Time 5 & 10 (Historic Downtown Branson)
Hours: 8:30 AM – 9 PM Mon. – Sat. 9 AM – 9 PM Sun.
Admission: Free Admission
Over 85 WWII aviation art prints permanently on display.  Most prints are signed by pilot(s) and crew who were on the mission that the print depicts.

Opening Ceremony (Friday, November 5)
Location: Sight & Sound Theatres
Hours: 12 PM – 2 PM
Admission: Free Admission

Showboat Branson Belle “Special Salute to Veterans” (Friday, Nov. 5)
Location: Showboat Branson Belle
Hours: 8 PM (Boarding begins at 7 PM)
Admission: $44 Per Person (all inclusive rate includes cruise, meal, show, tax and gratuity)
Branson’s only Entertainment Dining Cruise! Two hour cruise on beautiful Table Rock Lake with Showstopping Production Show, fabulous 3-course meal plus, that evening, a special salute to Veterans!

Reveille and Retreat (Saturday, Nov. 6 – Wednesday, Nov. 10)
Location: Factory Merchants Branson
Hours: Daily 7 AM Reveille and 4 PM Retreat
Admission: Free Admission

Veterans Village and BVTF Tactical Operations Center (Saturday, Nov. 6 – Thursday, Nov. 11)
Location: Factory Merchants Branson
Hours: 9 AM – 4 PM
Phone: 417-337-8387
Admission: Free Admission

Veterans Registry (Saturday, Nov. 6 – Thursday, Nov. 11)
Location: Factory Merchants Branson
Hours: 9 AM – 4 PM
Phone: 417-337-8387
Admission: Free Admission

Persian Gulf War Mini Reunion (Saturday, Nov. 6)
Location: Golden Corral
Hours: 9 AM – 12 PM
Admission: Free Continental Breakfast and Entertainment
This event is for those who served during Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Coordinated by Branson Veterans Events & Reunions, and hosted by Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 913, Branson, MO.

WWII Veterans Mini Reunion (Saturday, Nov. 6)
Location: College of the Ozarks
Hours: 3 PM – 5 PM
Phone: 417-337-8387
Admission: Free Admission

Veteran’s Shoot (Sunday, Nov. 7)
Location: Ozark Shooters Sports Complex (759 US Hwy 65, North of Branson)
Hours: 10 AM – 12 PM
Sporting Clays, Trap and Wobble Trap. Lunch will be available.

Video Presentation by Lt. Col. Bill Groninger, SR-71 Blackbird Pilot (Sunday, Nov. 7)
Location: Branson Shenanigans RV Park Clubhouse (3675 Keeter Street)
Hours: 7 PM
Admission: Free Admission
The Blackbird was the Air Force’s fastest, highest flying manned spy plane ever flown.  Featured on the Discovery Channel.

Women Veterans Mini Reunion Reception (Monday, Nov.8)
Location: Branson Mall Meeting & Event Center
Hours: 5 PM – 7 PM

Women Veterans Mini Reunion Show (Monday, Nov.8)
Location: Mickey Gilley Theater
Hours: 8 PM
Admission: Free Admission for Veterans

14th Annual Military Gala & Banquet (Monday, Nov.8)
Location: Chateau on the Lake Resort
Hours: 5 PM
Phone: 866-481-GALA (4252) for Reservations (Required)
Admission: $51 per person
Tickets include the salute to National Guard and Reserve forces, POW/MIA candlelight service, dinner and outdoor fireworks display.  Cash bar cocktails begin at 5 p.m. with salute beginning at 6 p.m. and fireworks just before 8 p.m.  Master of Ceremonies is Erwin Schultze, National Service Officer for the Disabled American Veterans.  TOPS IN BLUE, the US Air Force’s premier musical group performs following the fireworks display.

Tops in Blue Performance (Monday, Nov.8)
Location: Chateau on the Lake Resort
Hours: 8 PM
Admission: Free Admission
United States Air Force Tops in Blue perform following the gala and banquet.  Doors open to the public for the FREE performance at 8 p.m.  Reservations are not required for the performance.  Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Korean War Veterans Mini Reunion (Tuesday, Nov. 9)
Location: Stone Castle Hotel & Conference Center
Hours: 9 AM – 12 PM
Phone: 417-365-1389
Admission: Free Admission

Women Veterans Rose Petal Ceremony (Tuesday, Nov. 9)
Location: Keeter Center at College of the Ozarks
Hours: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Admission: Free Admission

William G. (Jerry) Boykin, Lt. Gen. (ret.) U.S. Army to Sign Books (Tuesday, Nov. 9)
Location: Bass Pro Shops in Springfield
Hours: 11 AM – 1 PM
Admission: Free Admission

William G. (Jerry) Boykin, Lt. Gen. (ret.) U.S. Army to Sign Books (Tuesday, Nov. 9)
Location: Bass Pro Shops in Branson
Hours: 4 PM – 6 PM
Admission: Free Admission

Penny Gilley Show featuring Jeff Brandt (Tuesday, Nov. 9)
Location: The Mansion Theatre
Hours: 3 PM
Admission: Free Admission for Veterans (Reservations Recommended)

POW/MIA Service (Wednesday, Nov. 10)
Location: Welk Resort Branson at the Vietnam Memorial Wall
Hours: 8 AM
Admission: Free Admission
Service will be held outdoors.  Sponsored by the Welk Resort Branson.  Music by the LeCroy Sisters, wreath laying, guest speakers.

Vietnam Veterans Mini Reunion (Wednesday, Nov. 10)
Location: Charlie’s Steak, Ribs & Ale
Hours: 2 PM – 5 PM
Admission: Free Admission

235th Marine Corps Birthday Ball (Wednesday, Nov. 10)
Location: Branson Convention Center
Hours: 5 PM – 11 PM
Phone: 866-279-3415 for Reservations
Admission: $60 Per Person (Seating is limited)
Web: or
Open to all Marines and the general public.  The celebration includes social hour with cash bar, the traditional U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ceremony and cake cutting, an elegant dinner and dancing until 2400 hours (Midnight) with a surprise or two along the way. The Key Note Speaker is Col. Jim Sims (ret), National Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, former Aide to the White House Chief of Staff, former Secretary of the General Staff of the Marine Corps Headquarters.  For more information call 417-334-2360.

76th Annual Veteran’s Day Parade (Thursday, Nov. 11)
Location: Historic Downtown Branson
Hours: 11 AM
Phone: 417-337-8387
Admission: Free Admission

Tony Orlando’s Yellow Ribbon Salute (Thursday, Nov. 11)
Location: Welk Resort Branson
Hours: 2 PM
Phone: 800-505-9355
Admission: Free Admission For Veterans and (1) Guest (Reservations Recommended)

Closing Ceremony (Thursday, Nov. 11)
Location: Tri-Lakes Center
Hours: 2:30 PM
Admission: Free Admission

Johnson suggests calling the Branson Veterans Task Force at 417-337-8387 for the latest information on these and other events associated with Branson Veterans Homecoming Week. Additionally, she offers the assistance of the company she works with, the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services, in answering questions regarding Branson Veterans Week activities, the U.S. Marine Corps Ball or Ozark Mountain Christmas. BTC would also be pleased to assist with information or tickets for any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550, at their offices conveniently located at 220 Branson Hills Parkway in Branson, or through their website

Branson’s U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ball one of many Branson Veterans Home Coming Week highlights

"The few. The proud . The Marines" celebrate their 235th Birthday.

“The celebration of the 235th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps and having a good time will be the central focus of the Marine Corps Ball to be held at the Branson Convention Center in Branson, Missouri from 1700 to 2400 hours (5:00 p.m. to Midnight) on November 10,” said Marlyce Stockinger, Director of Advertising & Public Relations for Branson.Com, the event’s sponsor along with the Branson Tourism Center. “It is one of the many exciting special events held to honor America’s Veterans, active duty military personal and their families during the celebration of “Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week” and has special significance to U.S. Marines and their families.

Stockinger said that the celebration starts with a social hour and cash bar at 1700 hours (5 p.m.). It will be followed by the traditional U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ceremony and cake cutting, an elegant dinner and dancing until 2400 hours (Midnight) with a surprise or two along the way.

The keynote speaker for the event is Colonel James Sims, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired who is currently the Commander of the National Military Order of the Purple Heart. Colonel Sims served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 26 years receiving the Purple Heart for combat wounds received while a company commander in Viet Nam. During his career Colonel Sims served as an instructor at the Marine Corps Command & Staff College, as an Aide to the White House Chief of Staff and at the time of his retirement was the Chief of Political Military Analysis for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“The Few, The Proud, The United States Marine Corps” was established November 10, 1775 by a resolution of the Continental Congress. Since then it has served our country in every war and conflict from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terrorism with honor and distinction. The remembrance and celebration of that birthday dates back to 1921 when the 13th Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, General John A. Lejeune issued a Marine Corps Order summarizing the tradition, history and mission of the Corps and directed that the order be read at all commands “on the 10th of November, 1921 and hereafter on the 10th of November of every year.”

Through the years the formal reading of Lejune’s order was followed by additional celebrations including the ceremonial cutting of a birthday cake and a celebratory ball. In 1951 the 20th Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr., formalized some of these traditions by adding the reading of the current Commandant’s message and the cake cutting ceremony using the U. S. Marine Corps Officer’s Mameluke Sword. Those traditions have remained in place ever since and are honored at virtually every Marine installation every November 10.

For additional information or tickets on the Marine Corps Ball please call the Branson Tourism Center at 1-866-279-3415  or click here to visit the events website. For additional information or tickets for any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Branson’sVeterans Homecoming Week – About our Veterans, the Military and their families

“One of the largest ‘Veterans Day’ celebrations in the world, Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week, will be celebrated in Branson, Missouri starting on November 5 and running through November 11,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Although Branson has a special place in its heart for Veterans, with the vast majority of its many live shows routinely honoring America’s Veterans, active duty Armed Forces personnel and their families on a daily basis, Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week is special.”

“It’s a week long celebration filled with events and activities honoring America’s Veterans, active duty Armed Forces personnel and their families,” Johnson continued. “There is a variety of events, most of which are free to Veterans, all with the same theme, to honor America’s Military and their families.”

Some of the major highlights include the Opening Ceremony at the home of the spectacular “Miracle of Christmas” show, the Sight and Sound Theatre on November 5 at 1230; the “Traveling Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall” at the Welk Theater from November 5 through the 15th; the Showboat Branson Belle’s “Special Salute to Veterans on November 5 at 1900; many mini reunions such as the “WW II Veterans Mini Reunion” on November 6 from 1400 to 1700 at the College of The Ozarks; the 4th Annual Military Gala & Banquet on November 8 at 1700; the “The United States Marine Corps 235th Birthday Ball,Tony Orlando’s Yellow Ribbon Salute on November 11 at 1400; the 77th Annual Veterans Day Parade through historic downtown Branson on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and the Closing Ceremony at Tri-lakes Center at 1400.

The Veterans Village and Branson Veterans Task Force Tactical Operations Center will be located at the Factory Merchants Mall, (Red Roof Mall) and will be open from 0900 to 1600 daily from November 6th through the 10th. It will host one of the two Veterans Registries with the other being at the Veterans Memorial Museum, located at 1250 West 76 Country Music Blvd; vendors booths and the “All American Lunch” served free to Veterans daily between November 6 through November 10 by Steve’s Tree House and Grill betwee 1130 and 1300. It will also provide a convenient place to just relax and fellowship with old friends and new acquaintances as well as the latest information about the week’s events and Veteran discounts.

Branson Tourism Center’s Johnson points out that in addition to the full slate of Veterans Homecoming Week activities, those attending can participate in the first week of Branson’s “Ozark Mountain Christmas” with all the excitement it provides, including the opening of Branson’s major Christmas shows and its drive through Christmas Lighting displays and the Silver Dollar City’s award winning “An Old Time Christmas” which starts on November 6 and runs through December 30.

Johnson extends a warm and heartfelt welcome to all the Veterans, active duty Military personnel and their families that will be coming to Branson and says, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice.” For additional information about Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week activities, Ozark Mountain Christmas, or Branson shows, attractions or lodging please contact Branson Tourism Center, (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by calling 800-785-1550, through its website or through a personal visit to its office located at 220 Branson Hills Parkway in Branson just west of the Bee Creek Highway 65 exit.

Fish Fry and “Hillbilly Motorcycle Run” added to Branson Purple Heart Event

The vocal group SIX, one of Branson's hottest shows, performing for the Purple Heart Recipients at the Hand in Hand Entertinment Show during the 2009 event.

The inaugural two day “Hand in Hand Branson Honors Purple Heart Recipients (Hand in Hand)” event held in 2009 was so successful that it is being expanded to a three day event this year. It will be held in Branson, Missouri April 22 through 24. Hand in Hand is an extension of Branson’s passion and commitment to America’s active duty military, Veterans and their families and is made possible through the efforts of many Branson volunteers, including the overwhelming support of its entertainers, and the sponsorship of Branson.Com.

Hand in Hand is a unique event in many respects. It is the only event specifically intended to remember and honor those who have received the Purple Heart for combat wounds received while serving in America’s Armed Forces and has received the active support of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH.) Hand in Hand is sponsored by Branson.Com, a sister company of the Branson Tourism Center and is co-owned by Larry and Lianne Milton. At a recent press conference regarding the event Larry said, “The city of Branson honors Veterans all year long. It is our treat and honor, even if only in a small way, to be able to honor the Purple Heart Recipients for the sacrifices they have made on behalf of our country.”

At that same press conference Marlyce Stockinger, Director of Advertising and Public Relations for Branson.Com, went over each of the activities that will be a part of Hand in Hand explaining that it would incorporate many of last year’s activities while adding exciting new activities designed to entertain and honor the Purple Heart Recipients and their families. Click here for a complete list of the events activities.

New this year, at the request of those attending last year, will be a Fish Fry on April 23. Jim Thompson, the owner the Central Pro-Am Bass Association is the coordinator for the fish fry. He said it would be held on the soccer field of the Branson Hills RecPlex under big tents starting at 5:30 p.m. It is open to everyone, not just Purple Heart Recipients and Thompson encourages everyone to attend and honor the Purple Heart Recipients. There will be no charge to Purple Heart Recipients, but there will be a minimal $10.00 charge to all others.

Simultaneously with the Fishing Tournament, which will be held at the State Park Marina on Table Rock Lake from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on April 23 there will be a special new event for the spouses. The Dress Barn VIP Shopping Extravaganza for women, with hors d’oeuvres, tea, coffee and a 15% discount on all purchases, will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

On the afternoon of April 24 the first “Hillbilly Posse Motorcycle Run” will be held in honor of the Purple Heart Recipients. Taney County Sheriff Jimmy Russell, himself a motorcycle enthusiast, is coordinating the “Hillbilly Posse” and said it would run from Ozark to the fountains at Branson Landing. He encourages maximum rider participation in the run and said it is open to all motorcycle riders, Veterans and nonveterans, who want to participate and honor the Purple Heart Recipients. Russell said it will be a wonderful event to witness and ride in.

The “Posse Motorcycle Run” will take place rain or shine and will start at the Wal-Mart Parking Lot in Ozark with registration at 2:00 p.m. The run will depart for Branson at 4:00 p.m. and will proceed to Branson via U.S. Highway 65 where it will exit onto State Highway 76 and proceed east straight down Main Street to Branson Landing. It will then converge on the Branson Landing Fountains via the Branson Landing Promenade with an anticipated arrival time of about 4:45 p.m.

Stockinger suggests that the public can help honor the Purple Heart Recipients by lining the U.S. Highway 65 overpasses at Bee Creek Road, State Highway 248, and State Highway 76 as well as the Posse’s route down Main Street to the Branson Landing Fountains. She encourages the public to attend Hand in Hand’s inspiring “Purple Majesty Twilight Ceremony,” honoring the Purple Heart Recipients, at the Branson Landing Fountains starting at 5:30 p.m. and as many other activities as they can. There is a complete schedule of activities, registration forms and other information on Hand in Hand available on line through Branson.Com or the Branson Tourism Center. Telephone assistance can be obtained by calling 1-800-785-1550.