Branson Veterans Memorial Museum honors Veterans and a father

Museums centerpiece sculpture of 50 life sized WWII soldiers storming a beach.

A shared passion, a fathers service, and a son’s love and respect serve as the basis for one of Branson’s most moving attractions, The Branson Veterans Memorial Museum (Museum). June Tillis, the director of the museum said that it was opened in the fall of 2000 by Fred Hoppe, Jr. of Nebraska to honor his father, a World War II Veteran and the Veterans the other wars of the 20th Century, World War I, Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf.

Tillis explains that the Museum contains over 2000 items, many of them collected by Hoppe and his father, Fred Hoppe, Sr. over a period of 30 years. Hoppe grew up going to military collector’s trade shows with his father, collecting military weapons, memorabilia and other personal items as well as hearing stories of World War II from many of the Veterans he met.

Tillis stresses that the unique personal aspect of the Museum is that it is about the individual soldier and not about the battles, strategy and politics of the war. It  provides Branson visitors with a unique opportunity to see an up close and personal look of a little bit of what those who fought these wars went through on a personal basis through the uniforms, weapons and equipment they used; the letters they wrote; documents and pictures.

Although the Museum has over 2000 items divided into display halls for each of the wars of the 20th Century one of the major features of the Museum is the full sized bronze sculptures by Hoppe who is a noted sculpture of wild life and birds. Two of his sculptures are located outside of the museum, but the highlight has to be the 70 foot long World War II sculpture inside the museum.

The sculpture depicts 50 life sized soldiers storming a beach during World War II. The 50 figures represent all 50 states and has a plaque with the name of the Veteran and the state they represent. Tillis points out that although there were only 48 states during World War II that Hoppe wanted to honor Veterans from all states so he included the 50 figures.

In a tribute to his father, the first figure in the sculpture is his dad, Fred Hoppe, Sr. a decorated World War II Veteran. Hoppe worked ten hours a day to complete the sculpture in ten months so that it would be ready for the opening of the Museum. Tillis says it is her favorite exhibit in the museum because of its detail, scope, and what it represents. “It’s amazing,” she said.

The museum is set up in “rooms,” large exhibition halls, for each war. Each has the uniforms, weapons, and other documents and personal items such as letters, pictures and mementoes telling the personal story of those who fought in those wars. Another unique feature of the museum is that the World War II room has the names of the over 400,000 people who died in that war listed alphabetically on its walls. Particularly moving to this writer was the Flag folded on top of one of the few remaining World War II wooden boxes used to ship the bodies of those who had been killed home.

Tillis said that on average it takes about an hour and a half to go through the museum, but it is not uncommon to have people spend three or four hours going through. She points out that the appeal of the museum to children depends on their age and suggests that children ages six and above will have the best experience. The Branson Veterans Memorial Museum is open every day but Christmas from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the winter and from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the peak periods.

Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center said, “The Branson Veterans Memorial Museum is a unique inspiring attraction in terms of its subject matter, scope and emphasis, not only in Branson, but anywhere and Hoppe’s sculptures are just spectacular.” For additional information or tickets for the Museum or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Branson Track Family Fun Parks go to “Heavy Metal” for more fun

“‘The, no admission charge, ‘Track Family Fun Parks (The Track(s))’ have been entertaining Branson visitors and locals since 1981, offering multi story and ‘classic go-kart tracks for all ages, bumper boats/cars, laser tag, mini golf, kids’ rides, arcades, and more,'” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “We offer our congratulations on the celebration of their 30th Anniversary this year and the three million dollar expansion of their facilities.”

Johnson’s comments are based on information received from The Track which indicates that the construction has already started in two-parks, “some of which will be completed in the spring of 2011. Track 4… will feature new the ‘Heavy Metal High Rise,’ while Track 3… will introduce a new classic go-kart track, an expanded building and other exciting family-themed elements.”

Larry Schmitt, President/Co-Owner of The Track Family Fun Parks said, “We could not be more thrilled to be reinvesting in our parks. This is an exciting time to offer something new in Branson.” He goes on to explain that the expansion is all part of  an effort “to provide their guests with the most enhanced experiences” and expressed his hope “that Branson visitors and residents will be just as thrilled as we are with the results of the final plan.”

According to the information received, among other things the final plan includes:

Heavy Metal High Rise at Track 4 will be the latest addition to The Track’s high-rise family.  The LumberJack at Track 5 and Wild Woody at Track 3 were built in 2001 and 2002, respectively.  The new track’s state of the art steel and concrete construction will be more weather-friendly and will offer a completely different experience than its wooden counterparts.  Heavy Metal High Rise will be 1,200 linear feet long, and it will contain over 200 tons of steel and 700 cubic yards of concrete.  After spiraling up four stories, riders will zoom down a three-tiered slope back to the ground.

The Track 3 facility will also see big changes in 2011.  Its new classic track will be unlike any other at The Track facilities.  It will be much more of a road course style with tighter and higher banked curves.  There will be more turns, as well as more elevation changes throughout the riding experience.  The capacity will also be much greater than the current classic track at that location, having a total of 20 single-rider and 10 double-rider go-karts.  The height requirements will remain the same as the other classic tracks at 54″ for drivers and 36″ for passengers.  In addition to the new track, the main guest services building will expand by 3,000 square feet, giving guests more than 5,500 total square feet of arcade games and indoor activities.

“And that’s just one of the many exciting and entertaining Branson Attractions that visitors can enjoy while visiting and vacationing in Branson,” Johnson added. For additional information or tickets for Branson Attractions or Shows or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Branson meets China as Chinese audiences really get into it with Branson’s Haygoods

Haygoods, Timothy(Left), Michael, Patrick, Catherine, Shawn, Dominic, Aaron and Matthew.

“At first the crowd had no clue what we were all about but after a few back flips and some up tempo tunes, they REALLY got into it. I mean they REALLY got into it,” said Timothy Haygood of Branson’s Haygood Show. He was referring to the audiences reaction to a recent Haygood performance which would be good news for any entertainer in Branson and is representative of something that every true entertainer tries to do every performance, but it’s great news when it happens on the first stop of a unique 18 city performance tour throughout China.

Haygood’s comments were contained in an email he sent to this writer after the groups first performance in Shenzen, China. The performance was part of an extensive tour covering 18 performances in 18 different cities in China running through January 30th. The performances will be in venues of two to five thousand people including the Beijing Exhibition Center. The email detailed their experiences from their last show in Branson, their travels to China and the conducting their first show in China and is shared as follows:

We’ve been running so hard, I haven’t had time to email you yet. I will be sending pictures and notes on everything happening here every 2 days or so!!

We got into China two days ago after a very long trip that started at 4 AM in Tulsa! The plane arrived in Hong Kong a full 24 hours later and we proceeded to go through 2 different customs checkpoints with 22 bags of heavy gear. That was very fun! AHHH! After arriving in Shenzen we immediately went to the theatre and discovered that these folks know how to build a theatre!! Everything is very state of the art.

After setting up and eating, (a whole new adventure!) we went back to the theatre and played our first show last night. At first the crowd had no clue what we were all about but after a few back flips and some up tempo tunes, they REALLY got into it. I mean they REALLY got into it. After 4 encores which we were not planning to play, a couple of security guards had to come out and tell the crowd we had to go because they kept yelling for more.

Aaron was swarmed by many girls who snuck in backstage and we had to hang out in the dressing room until they had all left. I think the Chinese people think we are pop stars…It’s kind of wild and a little strange, but fun nonetheless!!

I will keep you posted. We have 4 more shows in 4 cities before a break!

“If Branson shows were greeting cards, the Haygoods would be a ‘Hallmark,'” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “To paraphrase ‘Hallmark,’ ‘Branson cared enough to send one of its very best.'”

She also points out that the Haygoods will be back performing in Branson starting on February 12. Johnson offer the services of the company she works for, the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services, for additional information or tickets for the Haygoods Show or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

5th Annual Titanic Ice carving competition features “Titans of Ice”

Beautiful ice sculpture with Jaynee, the Titanics First Class Maid.

“The ‘Titanic – Worlds Largest Museum Attraction,’ in Branson, Missouri, is an exciting attraction on its own every day, but throughout the year they have a number of exciting and unique special family events for Branson visitors to see and experience,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “One of their most anticipated events each year is its free annual Ice Carving Competition which will be held by the bow of the Titanic from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, January 15, 2011.”

This 5th annual event will feature National Ice Carving Association’s (NICA) “Titans of Ice” competing against each other for cash prizes in two divisions, Professional and Amateur. At each level the competitors must create their sculptures from 250 pound blocks of ice within a prescribed period of time. The Amateur Division has three hours to carve one block and the Professional Division has four hours to carve two blocks. The sculptures will be judged by an official NICA judging panel with the results and prizes being awarded at 3 p.m.

NICA, is an association with the stated objective of “promoting ice sculpture through education, competitions, standardized judging, and exhibitions” and is headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. In addition to competing for thousands of dollars in cash prizes, the carvers will also be competing for professional recognition within NICA and seeking points under NICA’s certification program

Five years ago, prior to the holding of the very first Ice Carving Competition, Mary Kellogg, co-owner of the Titanic, said it was the first of many special family events coming to the museum designed to give their visitors something new and exciting to see every time they visited. The fact that the Titanic is hosting its 5th Annual Ice Carving Competition as part of their continuing series of unique special family events, including everything from straw horse art to wood carving and reindeer, as well as a continuous stream of exciting new exhibits and features within the museum itself, illustrates the Titanic’s commitment to making each “passenger” visit a fresh entertaining and educational experience.

Johnson points out that the ice carving competition draws thousands of visitor and suggests an early arrival for the best views of competition as these artists turn blocks of ice into fabulous sculptures. For additional information or tickets for the Titanic or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

The Branson Story of the Year: Celebrating 50 Years of passion for “creating memories worth repeating”

Silver Dollar City's founders, left to right, Jack, Mary and Peter Herschend.

There are a lot of reasons why people come to Branson, Missouri, but one single entity has been helping people “Create memories worth repeating” for over 50 years and is responsible for more people coming to Branson than any other. That entity is Silver Dollar City, Branson’s award winning 1880s theme park, who has been celebrating its 50th Anniversary during the 2010 season.

The Story of the Year is not the celebration itself, but what it represents, 50 years of entertainment excellence, commitment and leadership that has helped to not only bring millions of people to Branson, but bring them back time and time again. 50 years of commitment, passion and service on the part of the Herschend family and all the Silver Dollar City employees, past and present, who took Silver Dollar City’s motto of, “We create memories worth repeating,” and made it a reality for their guests. In talking about Silver Dollar City’s 50th anniversary celebration this season, Peter Herschend, one of the co-founders of Silver Dollar City, said, “What a year. We’ve laughed and cried and shared memories with thousands of people whose families have been coming to see us for 50 years.”

Brad Thomas, Silver Dollar City’s General Manager was asked, “What is it that makes Silver Dollar City so unique?” He replied, “From opening day in 1960 to 2010 we’ve had a cast of characters as employees who truly loved to live and breathe in this place called Silver Dollar City. The guests experience at Silver Dollar City includes rides, festivals and shows, but beyond anything it’s about the people.” He went on to say that it is the effort, friendliness and passion of Silver Dollar City’s employees to serve the park’s guests and make sure they have a great experience that has created “the memories worth repeating” and relationships that has made Silver Dollar City so successful.

When one thinks of Silver Dollar City and what makes it unique, a portion of the “Branson Promise” comes to mind. It says, “We believe in our American values and celebrate them every day, respect for the individual, patriotism, faith, hope, optimism, family, courage, generosity, and opportunity for all.” For over 50 years, Silver Dollar City and its employees have lived those values and shared them with their guests helping them to “create memories worth repeating.”

As Branson moves into the excitement and opportunities of 2011, a paraphrase of the words of Brad Thomas saying, “Branson includes attractions, shows, shopping and so many other fun filled activities, but beyond anything it’s about the people” seems appropriate. Thank you Silver Dollar City employees, past and present, for your 50 years of example in setting the standard that Branson’s guests should expect in terms of their entertainment experience and for actually “Creating Memories Worth Repeating.”

Exciting lineup of guest stars ushers in Branson’s New Year at Legends in Concert

The Blues Brothers are just one of the exciting acts of the Legends in Concert show.

“The normal variety in the Legends in Concert show in Branson parallels the breadth that Branson offers in its live shows,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “However, its New Year’s Eve show is really special with a lineup that is about as varied and entertaining as it can get.”

The spectacular New Years Eve show will feature some of the world’s greatest live tribute artists as they recreate the performances of some of the biggest names in the history of entertainment. See these incredible look and sound alike artists capture the mannerisms of The Temptations, Patsy Cline, George Strait, Michael Jackson, The Blues Brothers and Elvis using their own voices as they “portray them with amazing accuracy, emotion and attention to detail.”

“What better way to usher in the New Year than by celebrating with the Legends in Concert show at the iconic Dick Clark’s American Bandstand Theater,” Johnson said. She continues saying, “And this is just one of the many New Years Eve Shows that will be available for Branson guests.”

For additional information or tickets for the Legends in Concert show or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

Branson “shows” the way into 2011

The Rightous Brother's Bill Medley is one of many shows that will be entertaining Branson guests on New Year's Eve.

“Branson, Missouri ends its 2010 season with a variety of live shows that provide an exciting entertaining way to ring out the old year and welcome in the New Year,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “From morning to midnight on December 31st there will be a choice of shows offering something for everyone,” she continued.

“From Acrobats or a biblical spectacular on a 300 foot surround stage to a magical experience involving great illusions, comedy and ventriloquism or a meal on a showboat while being entertained by show stopping music and talking dogs, the variety of live shows that Branson will be offering is simply amazing,” Johnson said. The Official Show Schedule of Branson.Com, powered by the Branson Tourism Center,  indicates the following shows are still available on December 31 for your New Year’s Eve entertainment:

10:00 am

Amazing Pets

2:00 pm

Comedy Jamboree

Hank Williams Revisited

3:00 pm

A Country Legacy – Fountains of Country

Legends in Concert

3:30 pm

Absolutely Patsy

Miracle of Christmas

4:00 pm

Showboat Branson Belle

5:00 pm

Circle B Supper Show

5:30 pm

Christmas on the Trail

8:00 pm

Showboat Branson Belle

Top 10 Rock and Roll Revue

9:00 pm

Acrobats of China

Grand Jubilee

Hamner Barber Variety Show


IMAX Theatre

Kirby VanBurch

Magnificent Variety

Pierce Arrow

Righteous Brothers Bill Medley

Showboat Branson Belle

The Texas Tenors

9:30 pm

Jim Stafford

Legends in Concert

The Cat’s Pajamas

Yakov’s Moscow Circus

Johnson points out that many of the shows starting 8:00 pm or later will also be having a celebration to bring in the New Year. She reminds Branson visitors that typically the demand for Branson’s New Years shows is great and that some of Branson’s lodging establishments are already closed for the season.

To ensure availability of shows and lodging she suggests making advance reservations and offers the assistance of the company she works with, the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services, to answer questions and assist with reservations for shows and lodging. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website

An entertaining Christmas Day in Branson

“Branson has live entertainment and attractions every day of the year including Christmas,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Although the schedule of shows and attractions is pared down on Christmas Day, Branson offers a variety of shows and attractions for your entertainment and enjoyment,” she added.

The live shows that will be performing on Christmas Day sorted by performance time are:

9:00 am

Breakfast With Mark Twain

2:00 pm

Amazing Pets
Elvis and the Superstars
Hank Williams Revisited

7:00 pm
Amazing Pets

8:00 pm
Hank & Patsy Together Again

9:00 pm

IMAX Theatre

The following Branson attractionswill be open on Christmas Day:

Castle of Chaos – Enter the castle. Taste the chaos. Discover the fate of Carli and her crew. You will need every bit of adrenaline and stamina to join the battle against evil in the adventure of a lifetime.

Dinosaur Museum – Come face-to-face with a Tyrannosaurus Rex! Count the spikes on a Stegosaurus tail. Stand next to one of the most common predators, the Allosaurus.

Inspiration Tower – Branson’s “landmark on the horizon” — a massive 230′ tall structure located on Inspiration Point in The Shepherd of the Hills Homestead. (Is included on the Trail of Lights.)

Haunted House – The Haunted House features some of the most cutting edge animatronics you’ll find. There are numerous gargoyles and monsters, as well as a nightmarish hall of sinister screen legends. A word of warning: If you have a clown phobia, close your eyes as you exit!

Hollywood Wax Museum – Branson’s finest small attraction with a tribute to Hollywood’s best,presenting a valuable, highly entertaining and memorable Hollywood celebrity encounter through a state of the art facility, with themed believable displays.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum – You’re in control as you enjoy your self-guided tour of this truly amazing experience. Take as long as you like to view and examine some of the most odd and amazing collections ever assembled.

Trail of Lights – The Trail also includes millions of multi-colored Christmas lights. Every building on park is completely illuminated and there are hundreds of lighted displays as well as the animated scenes. ( Includes Inspiration Tower.)

Vigilante Zipline – An exciting new thrill ride! The ZipRider zip line cable is based on the familiar concept of the back yard zip line but then turns that fun experience into an exciting, no-worries ride.

World’s Largest Toy Museum – Remembering your childhood has never been so much fun! The World’s Largest Toy Museum (Antique Toy Museum) is like Christmas morning every day!

Johnson also points out that Branson’s two major drive through lighting displays, the Shepherd of the Hills Trail of Lights and “The Branson Area Festival of Lights” will also be open on Christmas Day. She adds that starting December 26 and running through the end of Ozark Mountain Christmas on December 31 most of Branson other major attractions, including Silver Dollar City’s Old Time Christmas will also be open along with additional shows and a great variety of entertainment for New Years Eve. She suggests contacting the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services, either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website, for additional information.

China meets Branson Haygoods style

The Haygoods!

“The ‘Acrobats of China‘ and ‘Legends of Kung Fu, Chun Yi‘ playing in Branson not only expands the great breadth of exciting live entertainment Branson offers its visitors, but gives them an opportunity to experience not only the amazing, talent, skill and excitement of their entertainers, but a little of the culture, history and tradition of China,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Now those living in China will get the opportunity to experience a little bit of Americana and what Branson entertainment is all about as the Haygoods take their unique and exciting musical and entertainment style to China for an extended tour during January of 2011.”

In an interview conducted on December 16 for the Branson Tourism Center, Tim Haygood said the tour will cover 18 performances in 18 different cities in China during the period January 3 through 30 in venues of from two to five thousand people including the Beijing Exhibition Center. He said the trip was made possible through the efforts of Mr. Lizhi Zhao, director and producer of the Acrobats of China show.

Haygood said, “The trip to china takes about 30 hours. After our New Years Eve show in Branson on December 31st we will get on a bus at 1:00 a.m., travel to St. Louis and fly out of there for China at 7:00 a.m.” Their first performance of the tour starts the day after they arrive in China.

He said, “It’s very rare for an American act to have an extended tour and even more so because we are a large family.” He said that in a family of eight, especially with one girl in the family, is so unique in China that it will be something a lot of the people they will be entertaining in China have never actually seen. He went on to explain that most of the Haygoods have never been out of the country, have no clue what to expect and have an “overwhelming sense of adventure and fun in their hearts about the trip.”

All eight of the Haygoods siblings Timothy, Patrick, Dominic, Shawn, Michael, Matthew, Catherine and Aaron; Daniel Dossey, drummer; Josh Cortz, soundman, and Adam Bowman, lightingman will be making the trip. He said that their mom and dad were not going on the tour saying, “This is the first time we have been on any sort of large tour without mom or dad along.”

Haygood said they have been working nonstop on creating an entirely new show for the trip. He said each performance will go for an hour and a half nonstop during which they will be presenting a variety of material in the show including some of their original music from their new album that will be released in the very near future such as “Country Boy,” “Rocking in the Sun” and “Run Like Hell.” They will also have a rock instrumental segment of Michael Jackson music including “Smooth Criminal; a Beatle segment including “Yesterday” and “Let It Be;” a Chinese love song by David Tao; the Beijing Olympics Song along with many others and, of course, a couple of the Haygood’s “patented,” exciting and action filled tap dancing routines.

He said that they are excited about the opportunity to share Branson with China as well as meet the Chinese people and experience firsthand all that it has to offer. Branson Tourism Center’s Johnson said, “It is an exciting opportunity for the Haygoods as well as Branson and the Chinese audiences attending their shows will experience some of the best of what Branson has to offer. We wish them ‘God Speed’ on their adventure.

Branson says “Happy New Year” like nowhere else

Welcome in the New Year with the excitment and color of the Acrobats of China

“Branson has more unique ways to celebrate the New Year than anywhere else in the country,” said Tammy Johnson, the Director of Operations for the Branson Tourism Center. “Whether your idea of celebrating New Year’s Eve is excitement, fun, and entertainment or simply an intimate quite celebration for two, Branson, Missouri is the place to be on New Year’s Eve,” she continued.

She goes on to point out that no matter what time of the day or evening you chose to do it, Branson has an exciting way for you and your family to bid adieu to 2010 and welcome in the New Year. Whether it’s magic, acrobats, dinosaurs, museums, Elvis, galloping horses, fireworks, shopping, attending one of Branson’s fabulous shows or something as simple as a walk on the Branson Landing Boardwalk along the beautiful Lake Taneycomo Lakefront, Branson has New Year’s fun for just about everyone and every budget. Click here for an extensive list of New Years activities, shows, and events.

One of Branson’s major dinner show attractions, Dixie Stampede will be offering its exciting family action show at 5:30 and 8 p.m. on December 31 including a show filled with horses, activity and audience involvement as well as a scrumptious four course meal. It’s something the whole family will enjoy. In addition two of Branson’s other dinner shows The Circle B Supper Club and Christmas on the Trail will be offering early dinner shows also. The timing of these shows is ideal for families with young children, those wanting to celebrate the New Year early or those wanting to see one of Branson’s other New Year’s Eve Shows.

One of Branson's hottest shows, the Haygoods, will be leaving to do an extensive series of show in China right after their New Years Eve show.

As one would expect in Branson, Missouri, “The live music show capital of the world,” Branson shows will provide New Years Eve entertainment, representing the full variety and range of entertainment that Branson has to offer. These include the spectacular Miracle of Christmas; the grace, beauty and the incredible skill and coordination of the Acrobats of China; Yakov’s Moscow Circus; the comedic genius of Jim Stafford,the magic and humor of the Hamner Barber Variety Show as they present their first ever New Year’s Eve Fiesta; the fantastic recreations of Patsy Cline, the Blues Brothers, Michael Jackson, George Strait, The Temptations and Elvis Presley at the Legends in Concert show; the music and comedy of the Grand Jubilee and Pierce Arrow; the musical variety of the Magnificent Variety and the excitment and action of the  Haygoods along with the Righteous Brother Bill Medley, The Cats Pajamas and the Top Ten Rock and Roll Revue. Click here for a complete list and more details.

If you want to celebrate bringing in the New Year on a cruise, how about a cruise on the Branson Landing Princess  or Lake Queen which sail from Branson Landing and will provide a fabulous view of the Branson Landing and the Branson Landing Fire and Light Show from Lake Taneycomo. Both cruises include music, dancing and a celebration bringing in the New Year. The Branson Landing Princess cruise includes a full dinner while the Branson Landing Lake Queen includes Hors’ d oeuvres and a dessert bar. Both will have a cash bar.

The Chateau on the Lake’s New Year’s Eve celebration begins at 7:30 p.m. and includes a complete dinner, reception, dancing and New Years Eve party event. The Chateau’s fireworks, welcoming the New Year, is a spectacular display viewed in the reflection of Table Rock Lake. It is visible from many locations around Table Rock Dam, including the lake, the scenic overlook on State Highway 165, and other spots along State Highways 265 and 165.

In addition, most of Branson’s exciting attractions will be open on December 31 and January 1 as well as its two major drive through Christmas lighting displays, the Shepherd of the Hills Trail of Lights and the Branson Area Festival of Lights. Factor in great shopping and dining and New Year’s Eve in Branson is a great way to welcome in the New Year and start 2011 off in a special way.

Branson Tourism Center’s Johnson advised that weather and other factors could cause schedule changes. For additional information on any of the shows mentioned in this article or any of Branson’s other shows and attractions or for lodging arrangements please contact the Branson Tourism Center (BTC), one of Branson’s largest and most respected vacation planning services. BTC can be reached by either calling their toll free number 1-800-785-1550 or through their website